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Oleksii  S. Voronkin


E-mail: alex.voronkin@gmail.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexvoronkin

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alexey.voronkin



Teacher in Regional сommunal institution «Sergii Prokofiev Sievierodonetsk College of culture and arts», specialist of the highest qualification, викладач-методист, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy Sciences (specialty - Information and Communication Technologies in Education)

Subjects – Physics,
Mathematics, Computer Science at curricula of compulsory secondary education.

Scholar of the President of Ukraine.

Author of 124 scientific-methodological works, some of them:
2 sections of two monographs, 5 textbooks, electronic tool of educational purpose, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, bibliography, and teaching materials.

Prize winner of XII all-Ukrainian Youth competition «New Intellect of Ukraine» (2018). Winner of National (2009) and 6 International (2011-2014;2016;2017;2019) festivals of pedagogical innovations.
Twice winner of all-Ukrainian competition "Best STEM publication" (2017, 2018).
Winner of all-Ukrainian competition of modern teacher from Ivan Ivanov and leading companies "Able to teach" (2017).

Twice winner of the regional competition "Young Man of Lugansk region" in the nominations "Young scientist of the year" (2013), "Young educator of the year" (2018).
Winner of X all-Ukrainian competition of Microsoft "Teacher-innovator" (2014).
Winner of all-Ukrainian contest of skill of pedagogical workers of school educational institutions "Source of creativity" in nomination "Leader of thehobby group - 2014" (the 1st place).

ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4088-7147

ResearcherID: J-7241-2017

Google Scholar Citations Profile: https://scholar.google.ru/citations?hl=ru&user=zpW1g2AAAAAJ

Publons https://publons.com/researcher/2093980/oleksii-s-voronkin/

Academia https://independent.academia.edu/AVoronkin

 He was born on 24th April 1984 in Luhansk. Citizen of Ukraine.

In 1999 he graduated from music school №1, Luhansk. Specialty - guitar.

From 1999 to 2001 he studied in interschool educational industrial complex, specialty "Operator-user of  PC" (certificate).

In 2001 he graduated from secondary school I-III stages № 2 in Luhansk (certificate) and entered the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.

During education he participated in municipal and national student competitions, made reports at 7 scientific student conferences. Educational and scientific works were awarded by certificates and diploma of the National metallurgical Academy of Ukraine for 7th place in all-Ukrainian Olympiad of theoretical mechanics among national universities.

In 2004 he was awarded the nominal scholarship of the President of Ukraine.

In 2005 he graduated from Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. Aleksey received Bachelor degree of devices.

In 2006 he graduated from Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University specialty "Scientific, Analytical and Ecological Instruments and Systems”. Received the degree of master of electronic devices.

In 2006-2009 worked in Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University to positions: specialist of the third category of research laboratory "Technical electrodynamics” of Chair of devices, specialist of the third category of Chair of Physics of Research Section, the 1st category engineer of Department of Physics.

From 2009 to 2013 worked as a senior lecturer at Luhansk State Academy of Culture and Arts.

From 2013 to 2016 was post graduate student at Taras Shevchenko National University of Luhansk. In 2016, by decision of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Oleksii was awarded by the scientific degree Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy (specialty "Information and Communication Technologies in Education”).

From 2016 up to date - teacher of the subject cyclic commission for the general educational, social and human sciences of Regional сommunal institution «Sergii Prokofiev Sievierodonetsk College of culture and arts», specialist of the highest qualification. У 2018 році рішенням атестаційної комісії III рівня Департаменту освіти і науки Луганської обласної державної адміністрації присвоєно педагогічне звання "викладач-методист".

Teach subjects – Physics, Computer Science (curricula of compulsory secondary education).

Part-time worked as:

  • teacher of the subject-cyclic Commission “Computer Disciplines” of of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University College (2007-2008);
  • lecturer for "Physics of sound" in Luhansk State Academy of Culture and Arts (2008-2009);
  • head of the Physics section of Communal institution "Luhansk Regional Minor Academy of Sciences" (2008-2009, 2011-2014);
  • teacher of discipline of "Physics" of the College of Luhansk State Academy of Culture and Arts (2012-2013). In 2013, the decision of the attestation Commission of the IV level from the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine he was awarded  by qualifying category "Specialist of higher category";
  • head of theoretical Physics section of Municipal extracurricular educational institution "Kyiv Minor Academy of Sciences",
  • senior lecturer in Physics and Electronics of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (2015);
  • teacher of the subject cyclic commission for the general educational, social and human sciences Communal institution "S.S.Prokofiev Severodonetsk Regional Music School" (2015-2016);
  • teacher of computer science in Public schools "Severodonetsk vocational lyceum" (2016-2018);
  • senior lecturer кафедри природничо-наукових дисциплін та методики їх викладання Луганського обласного інституту післядипломної педагогічної освіти (2018 р.).

During teaching has produced 5 winners (two pupils and three students) of all-Ukrainian contest-defense of scientific research works of pupils-members of Minor Academy of Ukraine (2012 - ІІІ place, 2014 - III place) competition of student scientific work (2012 - III place) and championship in information technologies "EcoSoft-2017" (2017 - III place).

For analysis and development of new scientific teaching technologies he was founded informational-educational portal "Technology of distance education” (www.tdo.at.ua). He was held Ukraine's first public distance learning course with elements of connectivity approach "introduction to the physics of sound", is designed to prepare pupils for research work (2011). He organized and supervised the work of pupils of the virtual school scientific and technical creativity (2012-2015).

The author of 124 scientific-pedagogical and methodical works, among which are:

  • Educational guides for high school students "Introduction to Physics of sound” (2012), "Linear oscillations and waves. “Introduction to acoustics” (2012),
  • Textbooks for College students "Microelectronic amplifiers and measuring devices” (2008), "Microelectronic amplifiers of special purpose” (2009) and an electronic tool for educational purposes, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Microelectronic amplifiers" (2011);
  • Training manual for teachers and students of pedagogical higher education institutions "Basics of using information and computer technologies in modern higher school” (2011),
  • Bibliography for scholars "Information and communication learning technologies in the national periodicals (2015)";
  • 2 sections in collective monographs ("New information technologies in education for all: lifelong learning", 2013; "New information technologies in education for all: e-education", 2015);

In educational and scientific journals, there are 435 citations and references on publications O. Voronkina. h‑index according Google and eLIBRARY: h-index Google scholar =10,h-index in the Russian Science Citation Index =3.


Advanced training

Passed training courses:

  • 2009 - Institute of postgraduate education and distance learning Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University specialty "Pedagogy of higher education and distance learning technologies in education" (certificate);
  • 2014 - in Luhansk regional Institute of postgraduate pedagogical education in the "Heads of hobby groups" (certificate);
  • 2015 - Kharkiv national automobile and highway University for the training program "Practice of tutor in educational discipline" (certificate);
  • 2018 - навчально-науковий інститут публічного управління, адміністрування та післядипломної освіти Державного закладу "Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка" за спеціальністю "Середня освіта" (математика і фізика) (certificate).


Participation in conferences, competitions and festivals

Participated in 63 scientific conferences, competitions, pedagogical festivals, forums, 32 of them are international.

Prize winner of XII all-Ukrainian Youth competition «New Intellect of Ukraine» (2018), Winner of all-Ukrainian competition «Best STEM publication - 2017» (the 1st place in nomination «Innovative methods, means and forms of organization of STEM learning»), Laureate of all-Ukrainian competition of modern pedagogues from Ivan Ivanov and leading companies "Able to teach" (2017), Laureate of national (2009) 7-the International festival of pedagogical innovations (2011-2014,2016,2017,2019), Twice winner of the regional competition "Young Man of Lugansk region" in the nominations "Young scientist of the year" (2013), "Young educator of the year" (2018), Laureate of 10 Ukrainian competition of Microsoft "Teacher-innovator" (2014) and the winner (I place) of the all-Ukrainian contest "Source of creativity" in nomination "Head of the hobby group - 2014".


Work in organizing committees of scientific conferences


  • organizing committees of 4 International and 1 all-Ukrainian scientific-practical conferences (Vinnytsia national technical University, 2010, Sevastopol national technical University, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014);
  • as jury of the IX International contest in web-design and computer graphics (2011, Vinnytsia, Vinnytsia national technical University),
  • as jury of the first round of the Ukrainian contest "Teacher of 2017" in the nomination "Informatics" (December 13, 2016, Severodonetsk, Training and methodological center of technical and vocational education in Luhansk region).


Participation in open distance courses

Studied in online courses (photo archive) by Microsoft software (2011, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018), Internet University of computer science (2011, 2016), Problem laboratory of distance learning of National technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" (2015).


Workshops in the system of methodical work with teaching staff

To promote, publicize and implement advanced pedagogical experience conducted six workshops. Був спікером навчального курсу літньої сесії "Web-STEM-школи - 2017" та спікером зимової сесії "Web-STEM-школи - 2018". http://tdo.at.ua/index/workshops/0-71


Awards and achievements

Scientific-pedagogical activity was awarded 90 gratitudes, charters, diplomas and certificates, including:

Gratitude of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine (2015); Gratitude of Talent Center Development “Unicum” (2018); Gratitude of the XVI International Festival of Children and Youth Journalism “Press Spring on the Dnipro Slopes” (2018); Gratitude of the International Green School (2017); Gratitude of the National ecological and naturalistic centre of students (2017); Gratitude S.S.Prokofiev Severodonetsk Regional Music School (2016); Gratitude of the Kyiv Minor Academy of Sciences (2015); Gratitude of the Department of education and science of Luhansk regional state administration (2014), Gratitude of the Department of education and science of Luhansk regional state administration, Luhansk regional chamber of Commerce and the regional Minor Academy of Sciences (2013);

Diploma of Ukrainian Philanthropists Association (2018); Diploma of the mayor of Severodonetsk (2017); Diploma of the Scientific Institution “Institute of  Education Content Modernization” (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019); 5 diploma of Institute of innovation technologies and content of education (2009, 2011-2014); Diploma of the Institute of education issues of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (2014); Diploma of the publishing house "School world" (2014), Diploma of Luhansk regional state administration and Luhansk regional Council (2013); Diploma of the Department of education and science of Luhansk regional state administration (2012); Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (2009);

Certificate of participation in a Regional forum "Educational establishments of the Lugansk region on the way of reformation" (2018), Certificate of speaker of summer session “STEM-school” (2018), Certificate of speaker of winter session “Web-STEM-school” (2018), Certificate of speaker of summer session course “Web-STEM-school” (2017), Certificate of participation in a Regional un-conference for School Teachers mini-EdCamp Cherkasy (2017), Certificate of participation in the National Global Teacher Prize of Ukraine (2017, video), Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator (2016), Certificate of the winner of X Ukrainian competition of Microsoft "Teacher-innovator" (2014), Certificate of the educational group of the European organization for nuclear research (2012, CERN), Certificates of finalist of the IV and V all-Ukrainian competition "Innovative intellect of Ukraine" (2010, 2011).

Medal “International Forum of Educators-Innovators” (Jubilee award of the X International Festival of Pedagogical Innovations, Cherkasy, 2018).

Management of scientific work of pupils (photo archive)

The scientific work of pupils and students was awarded at all-Ukrainian and International competitions, tournaments 6 Certificates, 5 Diplomas, 1 Honorary Certificate and 22 Degree.

The pupils became winners of regional (2012 – I place T.Hohola; 2014 – III place, D. Golovko) and national (2012 – III place, T.Hohola; 2014 – III place, D. Golovko) stages of the contest-defense of scientific research works in physics (Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), as well as the winners of regional subject Olympiads in physics (2011 – ІІ place, 2013 – III place) and ICT (2019 – ІІ place). In the 2014/2015 he trained 7 winners of the II stage of all-Ukrainian contest-defense of scientific research works of the Kyiv Minor Academy of Sciences (A. Antoniuk, Prokopovich, D. Safronova, J. Sokol, M. Nedoday, Y. Pavlyuk).

Students became prize-winners of all-Ukrainian competition of scientific works from natural, technical and humanitarian Sciences (2012 - III place, J. Turco) and the XVI all-Ukrainian championship in information technologies "EcoSoft-2017" in the category "Functional device" (2017 - III place, T.Hohola).

Profesional interests

  • Information and communication technologies in education
  • Methodology of teaching physics. STEM-education


Associations and societies


Coordination of High School Student projects

  • Regional project coordinator of the youth public organization “Republic Dream” and the international ecological Internet edition of "Visnik Mriyi” (2012);
  • Coordinator of media project "ART-mosaic".


Selected presentations - http://tdo.at.ua/index/presentations/0-74

Personal Learning Environments


  1. Oleksii Voronkin: "Science is creativity" // Vecherniy gorod. - 2009. - № 15 (75). (in Russian)
  2. A teacher who does not want  to stand still // Kamerton. - 2010. - № 15 (91). - Р. 6. (in Russian)
  3. Oleksii Voronkin: "In the scientific work and counseling of students helps to e-learning". - 2014. - Р. 164. (in Ukrainian)
  4. Video: A teacher from Severodonetsk successfully modifies the system and teaches musicians of physics // TSN ( tv channel 1+1). - July 21, 2017. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Video: Oleksii Voronkin - Young Man of Lugansk region 2018 // News release (tv channel NASH).- February 13, 2019. (in Ukrainian)
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